standard-title Membership


Protect Yourself & Your Loved Ones With An Amserv, LTD/ DuSan Membership

Because insurance doesn’t always cover the full cost of ambulance service, you could be responsible for outstanding balances that insurance does not cover.  Be prepared for the unexpected with an AmServ/Dusan Membership, as your subscription will cover most of those balances.

Protect yourself and your loved ones with the knowledge that you are covered for transportation services. Subscribers are entitled to unlimited use of AmServ LTD’s emergency ambulance services, when necessary, and based upon availability of resources, without being responsible for co-payment and deductible amounts that are typically charged to cover amounts that are not paid by insurance. This waiver of co-payment and deductible obligation only applies to persons listed on the subscription application.

Your subscription is also an investment in a vital non-profit community service, so even if you end up not using our service in a given year, you can rest assured that you have helped us meet expenses, such as; purchasing medical supplies, ambulances, staff wages, insurance, maintenance, and other operating expenses.

Subscriptions are year long, and they are very affordable.  We especially encourage those families with young children, a history of…… to subscribe.


Subscription Period: 4/1/15 to 3/31/16

FAMILY OVER 60 $30.00
DONATIONS (optional) ………